Wednesday, January 31


After a nearly two-year break (and by break, I mean I caught pneumonia, landed in the hospital, etc.) from working out I jumped back on the bike this December.

I'm amazed by the ease with which my body took to it, after such a long break. I'm even more amazed at how much of a SPIN snob I still am. Now, don't' get me wrong-I'm in poor shape right now.

But back when I was really puttin' the pedal to the medal, I was teaching SPIN several times a week a clubs like Crunch, Equinox, 24 Fitness, LA Fitness, The Hollywood Boxing Club and other small, private locations. I know good classes when I see them, and kids, I ain't seein' them. I'm not sure what this means -- for me, or for the fitness community.


So, I was doing some browsing in iTunes, and a search found some interesting results, and a search for Cher (don't ask, and I won't beat you) and guess who turned up? The PNSexplosion! Whoah, babes! I'm not sure how the search engine for iTunes works, but you gotta admit: this is pretty damn funny/odd.

(For those of you who are nosey enough to zoom in on my playlists, yes there's an entire playlist dedicated to Anastacia--I'm that gay. And yes, that's a disc I'm working on for the boys at the Daily Purge at the top of the list.)

Monday, January 29


I haven't put up a new post in a while - mostly 'cuz I didn't have too much to say. I had my year-end best-of lists for music, movies and other opinions nobody asked for, but I didn't have anything to say. Then, the whole Gay's Anatomy faggot thing got, well, interesting.

When Mel Gibson went on a foul-mouthed rant, the whole world seemed to stop. Everyone freaked out, and Mel was forced to eat shit. Then, the untalented, and questionably employable Kramer from the not-so-funny Seinfeld went on the n-word rant. The world (again) stopped, freaked out and ordered up another pile of shit platter. So far, the same reaction, from all sides.

Yet when Isaah Washington called the less-than-attractive TR Knight (Night?) a faggot, it barely registered on the radar. Where was Oprah? Jesse Jackson? Paul Mooney, and the mayor of Los Angeles? Where were the press conferences about how words hurt, etc? Why are gays the only ones ingesting feces this time? What is up with the world right now?

It doesn't take a genius to connect these dots and figure it out...