Hey there pretty kitty!
I know you’ve had a rough run
You’ve been backed into a corner,
put under a microscope,
and driven crazy.
Even on the best day getting out of
bed was a chore.
It seemed as though life would
devour you whole.
It was enough to make you want to
run and hide, hide, hide!
Troubles all around drove you to
(but made
you want to worse).
And although at times it may have
felt like you were just being dragged along against your will,
And meetings where you were the odd
one out
You held your own, of that be sure!
Luckily, not everyone you met on
this journey was a total freak.
Although some may have seemed like
Your family reached out to show
their love
And you made it through! So sit
back, relax, and enjoy!
And remember, as strange as things
may get:
You are not alone.