Sunday, November 6


Our Logo 2005
Originally uploaded by feastoffools.
OK, people... listen up: if you've never listened to a podcast, get with the times. If you don't own an iPod, or similar digital player, that's OK—you don't need one!

There are several ways of sampling a podcast:

1. Go to the iTunes music store-front, and select the 'podcasts' section. RIGHT NOW, THEY'RE MAKING THIS SUPER-EASY, TARD-PROOF: On the main podcast page, down at the bottom (under comedy), you can click on a direct link to the show. You can download a single episode to your computer for free! Like what you hear? Hit the subscribe button, and you're all set!

Once you've loaded the podcast into iTunes, you can move it to an iPod, if you want your funny on-the-go.

Not a Mac-type? That's OK. I love you anyway, and still want you to dine at the Feast of Fools.

2. You can go to the Feast of Fools site, and stream an episode via your internet browser.

3. You can also check out the new podcast service from Yahoo! (I mean, this is from the people at Yahoo! — it doesn't come any more tard-proof than this!

And after all that, if you're not a fan of FEAST OF FOOLS... well, then f*$#% you, who needs you!

Uh, I mean... there are plenty of other shows out there to explore.

[NOTE: Only Matt and Rick are excused from this ASSignment. Good luck with the new digs, guys. Shabba, shabba - shabba, forever.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my gawd Zip! You can NOT imagine the joy we had when you told us about being featured on Apple's iTunes podcast directory. FEATURED COMEDY PODCAST!!!!

Okay, this makes it official, I won't be able to go back in the closet now.

Comedy podcast! Comedy...

The only thing is, we're not trying to be funny. (Well... maybe just a little)

So happy I could pee all over myself.