Monday, July 21


A couple of weeks ago, the world of Sci-Fi film and TV lost two of its greatest actors: Don S. Davis (IMDB here) and Mitch Pileggi (IMDB here). Both were featured on the Stargate programs, and Pileggi was on The X-Files. Its a shame they both died, but kind of cool that they died in the same week.

I enjoyed both mens' performances on their respective shows. They will both be missed.


Anonymous said...

Are you sure about Mitch? It's not on his imdb

zipper said...

Yeah, I noticed that. But both obits ran in the Los Angeles times. Not sure where the glitch is.

Anonymous said...

Mitch isnt dead.

zipper said...

First of all, "anonymous," identify yourself. Secondly, the LA Times ran his obit, and never ran a retraction, so if my source stands by their story, SO DO I.