My general thoughts (general, so as not to spoil the article for the rest of you):
- Anthony Langella sounds like a complete turd. He starts pretty much every other answer with some shot about how he's "been in this game the longest" or some bullsh!t like that
- Brad Pitt sounds like someone I'd love to have a drink with (anyone who throws a circumcision joke into a formal interview is my kinda guy!)
- Anne Hathaway needs to get over her bad press (we love you, but not enough to feel sorry for you)
- Sally Hawkins actually made me go and put her film in the Netflix cue (don't listen to Mickey Rourke, LA is a fine place to live... sometimes)
- I didn't get a sense of Rourke of Downey Jr., except for a hilarious story Robert Downey Jr. told about being "Brown Betty" for two days after some bad beef in Japan.
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