Tuesday, January 31


Not that I had any doubts (I mean, I didn't even tune in to watch, which tells you how confident and/or cheap I am), but it is nice to see the WWE championship back in John Cena's hands. His big, muscular, hunky, hot-and-heavy and ready-for-action hands…

Hold on, I need a minute to collect myself.
OK, there. I'm back.

One thing about the recent turn of events in the world of pro-wrestling (and no, I'm not talking about that lame-@ss show on the Spike! Network), is all the Cena haters. In addition to having to deal with his so-called competitors, my boo now has to deal with an imaginary backlash that some fool is trying to kick-up. Adding insult to injury, less than 24 hours after getting his title back, he had to go into the ring (on the USA Network Monday night) with the belt on the line... again!

When are those peanut-buttah, tar-tar, chowder-head haters gonna learn? There can only be ONE champ, and most of them are too fugly to even get in the ring with my boy Cena… they should just stay home, y'know?

I mean, look at him! I ganked this image from a great fan site—you should check it out.)

See? That's what I'm talkin' bout! (And what I'm lookin' fo, too.)

Sunday, January 29


With or without the title (and belt with custom spinners), I still loves ya, baby...

If you missed the WWE on USA last week, then you missed John Cena telling ol' skuzzy-what's-his-name (who really needs to wash his raggedy-ass hair) that he was gon' make him his B!TCH. Well, the match is today, but there's no way I'm shelling out the dough for a pay-per-view match.

Besides, we all KNOW who is gonna win, and who is gonna end up the b!tch.

Monday, January 16


I'm so thrilled to announce the arrival of my newest relative… my cousin Julie, and her husband, Doug had a beautiful baby boy this morning. (I don't have a picture yet, so I've posted these two shots of the day my mom brought my baby sister home from the hospital.)

His name is Thomas Robert StaubRobert, for Doug's family, and Thomas, after my mom's father, who passed last year. We would have just celebrated his birthday this month, so it is nice to welcome a new soul into our life. Thomas' older brother, James is very excited about the new arrival. He's two and a half, so I'm not sure he really understands how much his little world is about to change… all the family members who've been around for Christmas have been asking him if he's happy to get a new baby brother (he says yes). This is usually around the same time they handed him his Xmas gift, so I think he may have the idea that this brother is a gift, or comes with gifts… I'm not sure. All I know is that we're all really happy.

And that's enough for me.


Also known as a bargain, to you gringos out there.

Well, it's been a while since I posted anything porn-tastic on my site, so I just thought I'd mention two things:

1. The blog known as Pink 4 Boys is nothing more than a front for an internet porn-scam (and a bad one, at that). So avoid both at all costs, OK?

2. COLT Studio is having a mega-amazing sale, so check them out!

More to, uh, come… later.


OK, so I'm not gonna be one of those people who bags on Mariah, but secretly has one (or more) of her albums in their personal collection… that's just lame. I mean, for all the people who say they 'hate' her, it seems three times as many people bought her albums. No, really! Her record sales are insane… uh, I mean, uh. Well, you know.

But I will say this:

1. No other artist has been sued because the sound of their voice, in its uppermost register, opens garage doors… without the clicker. No, seriously. I mean, I don't consider it a good thing, but… anyone who knows how that lawsuit resolved, please email me.

2. Exhaustion? No, c'mon, Mimi / Mariah / Echo, or whatever. What kind of crack were you ON?

3. If her latest album was SO great as to deserve the most Grammy nods of any artist this year, why did it take 18 people to write just one song? Is she THAT untalented, as to require an Olympic team of songwriters? Puh-leeeze.

Oh, and you have to check this out.

Thursday, January 12


On "The Isaac Mizrahi Show" last week, Madonna was the featured interview. Oddly enough, I blogged about both of these topics, right before this… I swear I didn't know, or anything. Just a couple of things I love, crossing paths.

Isaac, during the course of the interview, called Madonna, the "queen of disco" or something—he mentioned Club 54, and how the album evoked that whole era. Madonna responded by reminding Isaac that she wasn't old enough to enjoyed that time (the whole, "Bianca Jagger thing" as she called it). But she did say "Confessions on A Dance Floor" was her way of recreating the glamor / mood / sound of that time now, so as to take part.

Hey, works for me…


This Is Isaac, Audience… Clap For Him

On the Other Hand… (Madonna, Part 2)

Things That Make You Go, Hmm… (Madonna, Part 1)


Originally uploaded by feastoffools.
Everybody’s favorite dishing diva and Feast of Fools regular, Miss Ronnie, recently took time out of her honky-tanning, booty-building, Curves-dissing schedule to make a video-cast.

Well, maybe we should just call it what it is: a public service announcement.
Not to be confused (or outdone) by a PSA released by the gang over at PNSexplosion, Miss Ronnie breaks it down for all you fools out there and… wait.

Why the hell am I doing your homework for you? Click here to watch and learn for yourself!

Hola Senorita Cosa!

Monday, January 9


For the handful of people who check in on my site from time to time (and there really are so few of you), I'd like to say sorry… I recently upgraded my Mac to OS X (Tiger 10.4.3), so I haven't posted in a while. I did, however, keep writing so I'll have a butt load of new entries in the next two days—stay tuned, OK?

Oh, and just for the record: I've heard so many horror stories about the upgrade to Tiger. I even paid for that lame-@ss PDF booklet about taking control of Tiger, or whatever… For all the shakes, shivers and sh!t you're meant to go through with a system-overhaul of this size and scope, it was a breeze. No, really… I had a little bit of a tense moment, the first time I booted-up (after the upgrade), but that was it. (Heh, heh, heh… booted!) My Mac now runs faster, cleaner and is so much fun to work/play with now. I'm not a big fan of Spotlight (and yes, I've customized it), and Automator is way out of my range…

But overall, I love it.