Tuesday, June 19


Remember, a few years back, when Diet Coke ran that commercial, where a bunch of women in an office all ran to the window to watch a construction worker on his break?

The commercial was called "Diet Coke Break" and featured greased-up beauhunk Lucky Vanos taking off his shirt, and enjoying a cola. (Which is kinda hard to believe considering he's drinking a Dieto Coke, which I think tastes like aluminum foil.) Don't remember the commercial? You can check it out here, on You Tube.

While Lucky (yes, that's his real name) wasn't that hunky (compared to newer commercial hunks like Rusty Joiner), he had a warm, charming way about him that made him a flash-in-the-pan success. He was an instant sex-object... and then, was quietly tossed into the dustbin of pop culture history.

Until recently, that is. I've been sick this past week or so, which has allowed for more TV viewing than I would watch in a month. And I caught a "special report" on Hard Copy. (Yes, Hard Copy. I was that sick, and desperate.) The report was a "Where Are They Now" sort of deal, and as it turns out, Lucky is more than just his name.

Lucky Vanos used the money he made from the Diet Coke ads (after investing and saving) to open his own restaurant in the heart of Hollywood, California. It's called Lucky Devils, and it seems to be getting good reviews. You can read a blogger review (with pictures) here, and here. It seems like the Kobe Burger is a little bit underwhelming, but the rest of the food got great marks. (And check out those cupcakes!)

What I like most about this story is that it is yet another sign that my birthplace, Hollywood, is experiencing a revival: new businesses, many of them locally-owned, a springing up all over Hollywood. Gone are the empty store-fronts and cheap souvenir shops, and it their place is a thriving community.

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