Sunday, June 10


I recently caught the first few minutes of an episode of the Discovery Channel's Mythbusters and nearly tossed my cookies. Now, let me back up and say that I've never really cared for this gawd-awful show: it seems to be a bunch of nerds that somehow managed to score a TV show. I'm not against nerds having TV shows — I'm a dork, myself, so far be it from me to knock a bunch of people gettin' their nerd on.

But I do take issue with the show for the following reason: they stole someone else's research and claimed it as their own. They did a show, "exploring" the "real" reason the Hindenburg blew up. When I heard this, a little bell went off in my head. Where had I heard this before?, I thought. Why do I know the outcome of this research already?

Then, later in the day, I remembered something I'd read: the research that proved the Hindenburg didn't blow up the way people thought it did (a hydrogen leak) had been performed earlier at UCLA. Yes, years after the tragedy, UCLA researchers figured out that the final report on the crash of the Hindenburg had it all wrong. And now, the Mythbusters were out to "investigate" the "truth" behind this famous zeppelin crash... research someone else had already done.

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