Saturday, June 9


I'm not quite sure what to make of a recent NPR news bulletin, except to say wow. I think this is the definition of mixed-news: According to several news outlets, the doctors at Fort Campbell (in Tennessee) is seeing a major, uh, surge in population.

In a normal month, the hospital at Fort Campbell delivers about 100 babies a month. This month, they're scheduled to deliver 250... nine months after the 101st Airborne Division came back from active duty. The birth rate at Fort Campbell is expected to grow over the next few months, bringing the tally for 2007 to a new record: over 1000 babies.

The department of defense's birth records report that the last time the Army saw a baby boom like this was in 1992, then dubbed, Operation Baby Storm. This time around, it has been given the (unfortunate Bush-inherited) name of Operation Baby Freedom. (The name of the current war in Iraq, Operation Enduring Freedom, is a topic for another day.)

The reason I call this baby boom mixed news is that the 1000 new lives brought into this world will only put a small dent in the death toll, now almost three times larger...

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