Thursday, March 24


Lost. Lousy. Lusty. Loved?

Hmm. The current state of my mind: FRIED. Like an onion blossom, or bucket of French fries. I've sponged-up all the greasy, no-good-for-you oil I can hold, and I've turned into a big, oily mess.

OK, yuck. That's a nasty analogy, but I think what I mean is really clear.

Is it me? Could it be? I've been in worse jams, and had better results, so no... it's not ALL me. I just don't see other people in my life doing anything other than pointing fingers cause it feels good not to focus on their own hurt... which sucks, cause ALL I'm doing right now is focusing on my own recovery.

Recovery from being in the hospital for a month with pneumonia. Recovery from the last three years of my life, where it seemed like everything imploded, just because IT COULD.


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