Tuesday, May 26


I received a letter from the Texas Attorney General's office (above) stating they "had my new address" and if I wanted to get my child support checks on time, I should notify them in advance of moving.

Now, a closer look at the letter shows it was addressed to Juan Jose Garcia... not me. Oh, and I've never lived in Texas, and don't have any children requiring child support payments.

After an unanswered email, and a few phone calls, a supervisor assured me this "clerical" error was now fixed. Since being "fixed" over $1700 in additional checks have arrived, bringing the total to just under $3000. Talk about your child support fraud!

Don't get me wrong... I'd love to cash these checks and hit H&M, but that would be wrong. Very wrong. So, each time a check for Juan Jose arrives, I send it back.

It had to be Texas, didn't it?!

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