Tuesday, May 24


Posted by: zippersparks
Life's Too Short
The Final Two Installments of My Special Story

OK, so I've been advised NOT publish the final chapters of the saga (read: drama) surrounding my last job for reasons I won't go into. Instead, I'll keep it short, thus removing any (and I mean ANY) legal grey areas, and close with this:

I learned SO much. I loved the work I did, could have done without the personal politics and in the end, all of the work, drama and intrigue didn't amount to much. I was laid off because of restructuring (or so I was told) but what it boils down to is that my passion and stubborn-headed nature left me without an ally when I needed it most.

There's nothing I could ever say or do that would make that company a better place to work, or help them understand my true value/potential... I ran myself into the ground, ended up in the hospital (pneumonia, thanks) and don't have much to show for it.

Or do I?

[The record is NOT over yet.]

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