Monday, March 27


OK, so I'm not a big Cher fan. In fact, I can't stand the bitch. She's a decent actor—and yes, I mean actor, just read between the lines, babes—but I can't stand her music.

Funny thing about Cher: I don't think I've gone a day, for the past decade, without hearing her music... not by choice, you understand. I hear it at the gym, on the radio, on TV adverts and well...

one of my favorite podcasts.

Yes, the PNSexplosion regulary features Cher's music. They also have a great running-bit with... well that's a little harder to explain. (Check the show out if you wanna know, but trust me, it's side-splittingly funny.) Over the weekend, the PNS boys posted a video (made by Chaz, for Mommy, using her Mario Paint program) that had me in hysterics. These screenshots are from that video.

The v-cast was so good, I actually went an bought the song. (OK, it was on a cheap, legally-questionable website, but I paid for it, OK?) It was so good, I'm actually thinking about digging up my old Nintendo games and sending it to the PNS boys. Wanna know what I mean? Check out the PNS-podcast, or their hi-larious blog, boomtacular.

Oh, just check it out, babes...

more later...

1 comment:

Noah said...

Many thanks for the shout-out.

I wish Noah would do many more of those vid-joes.