Tuesday, June 5


I just read (in the L.A. Daliy Snooze) that Donald Trump launched a new business venture: meat. Yes, the man best known for buying old properties and drowning them in gaudy marble and gold leaf (and then overcharging for said property), is now entering the beef industry.

And in his typical business pattern, he's overcharging. There are several packages available, the top-one retailing for $999. Yes, four to six cuts of beef (I assume it is high-grade beef), for one thousand dollars.

I don't think he'll fail in his new venture. Somehow, against all odds, against all proper forms of reason and boundaries of good taste, he manages to succeed. What surprises me is how poorly-timed this venture is: the low-carb (and thus, higher beef consumption) fad is long-gone; the number of suspected cases of mad cow disease in the US are still on the rise; and with the economy on the slide... high-priced products are a risky gamble.

But it doesn't matter... Trump has a way of declaring victory, whether he's won or not. Like with the whole Rosie O'Donnell thing: she quit, not fired, like Trump wanted. But that's another story for another day. I will say this: Rosie is a real trooper, and a true patriot. I have yet to see Donald Trump add anything of value to American culture, whereas Rosie has been a philanthropist and cultural icon, to gays and straights alike.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was appalled when I saw his beef ads in a magazine. The cheaper packages are like $200 for 4 pieces of meat and some burgers. But I can admit, I wanted to order some.

Donald Trump is pushing his luck and calling us all suckers. I hope that hot piece of wife takes him for everything he's got.

PS I like your blog