Tuesday, June 19


I've become more sensitive and aware of the media's effects on appearance as I grow older, and I've noticed a few things:

1. Yes, the media is sending us, the public at large, mixed messages. One side tells us to conform to an unrealistic image/body standard. The other side tells us to buy whatever they put before us, no questions asked.

2. We're quick to blame the mass media sources when this double standards weigh us down... literally. There's no doubt the obesity epidemic can be pinned on the fast food industry. But we're the ones eating all that crap. Take Pizza Hut's P'zone: just half of a cheese P'zone is 610 calories, with 23 grams of fat. A pepperoni, 840 calories, with 43 grams of fat. And that's only if you eat half! (I picked this item because of the half a dozen fast food items on TV this evening, this was this nutritional info was the easiest to find.)

But that P'zone does look tasty...

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