Friday, July 20


The news today has been all a-buzz about with a story that scares the hell out of me. Tomorrow, President Bush will undergo a routine colonoscopy, which requires a general anesthetic... for which the U.S. Constitution requires a written transfer of power, from the president to the vice-president. Which means that for two hours or so, the country will be under the control of a man who:

*shot another man, at close range, confusing him for hunting prey

*may have committed treason by exposing a CIA field operative's name to press (we'll never know the truth about this one, thanks to his covert cover-up of the actual activities he engaged in)

*told a U.S. Senator to fuck off... on the floor of the U.S. Senate, while the session was being broadcast on live TV

*declared himself above the constitution, refusing constitutionally mandated congressional oversight of his office;

*created his own, fourth (illegal) branch of government doing so.

And that's just the crap we know about. It may only be two hours, but it will be two hours when I will actually be praying for President Bush's continued health and safety.

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